
A bit boring, really…I’m a professor and writer living in the hellish touristy swamp of Central Florida. I mainly use this space for all of the short pieces I write in-between days, just because.

You can find my Amazon page here, if you’re curious.

Anyway, I adore readership, so please feel free to read and, perhaps, respond, email, Tweet at me or watch my incredibly lame vids on TikTok ( both are @kenzieblyjay), look me up on Instagram (kenziejennings2)  and Facebook (Kenzie Jennings), talk about me behind my cyber-back, whatever you wish. I love you for popping by just the same.

Well, okay, I don’t really “love” you. We’ve not even been on a first date yet, so “love” is a little strong, a little scary. Give it time. XXX

(NOTE: hairstyle is subject to change)

By the way, since this is my site, I figured I could use my About page to talk up the Death’s Head Press author family. Here are some other great Death’s Head Press titles by people I love:

Notches by M. Ennenbach

Catfish in the Cradle by Wile E. Young

The Hard Goodbye by Chris Miller

Until the Sun by Chandler Morrison

Resisting Madness by Wesley Southard

Cruel Summer by Wesley Southard

Dawn of the Living-Impaired and Other Messed Up Zombie Stories by Christine Morgan

Tapetum Lucidum by the Sisters of Slaughter

Extinguished by C. Derick Miller

Stronger Than Hate by Robert Essig

And Death’s Head Press’  Splatter Western collection…

  1. The Magpie Coffin by Wile E. Young
  2. Hunger on the Chisholm Trail by Mike Ennenbach
  3. Dust by Chris Miller
  4. The Night Silver River Run Red by Christine Morgan
  5. Starving Zoe by C. Derick Miller
  6. A Savage Breed by Patrick C. Harrison III
  7. Red Station by Kenzie Jennings
  8. The Thirteen Coyote by Kristopher Triana
  9. Shadow of the Vulture by Regina Garza Mitchell
  10. They Built a Gallows for You and Me by Cody Higgins

More splatter westerns are on the horizon for 2021!

If you’re interested in learning a little more about the Splatter Westerns from DHP, there are some wonderful YouTube reviews and discussions about them here.



31 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey there, I was just looking through some of your post and your an awesome writer! I hope that you have all the luck getting an agent and getting published, I want to do the same thing. I’m in the Alpha Reading stage of the revision process for one manuscript, and I am gearing up to start on a new one for NaNoWriMo. I hope your having a fantastic day and I am looking forward to your future posts.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, nice to meet you, and…well, wow! Thank you very much for the compliment (and for reading, too, of course)! Best of luck with NaNoWriMo, and I hope the alpha stage goes swimmingly/feedback is solid and on-point for you. I did NaNoWriMo last year, and while it was stressful, it was a most welcome form of stress as it really requires one to be creatively dedicated to a project. Anyway, thanks so much again for the compliment and stopping by. I’ve connected/followed your blog as well — you have some great advice/tips for writers on your blog, and it’s also good to see a fellow fantasy scribe!


  2. I just read a comment you left on Ana Spoke’s blog and saw your name mjennings. Jennings is my maiden name, Sorick is my married name, so I’m M Jennings, too! So I’m going to follow you now, long lost cousin! PS I’m also a writer!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m delighted I’ve found your blog now (or rather you found me, thank you for that). Have had to skim read some of your horror posts so as not to spoiler myself but I’ve definitely added a few titles to my Must See list. Great blog, girl after my own heart. I’m looking forward to reading more! AVM

    Liked by 2 people

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