horror / novels / writing

22 Publishers Seeking Horror Novel and/or Novellas

Yes, I’m back, even if momentarily while I grade all of these research papers (sooooooo many papers). Once summer is underway, and more publishers reopen for submissions, I’ll have an updated list at some point.

I can’t stress this enough: Make sure you always do your due diligence and pay attention to the publisher’s general presence, whether on social media or at conventions. I’ve seen some horror publishers destroy themselves due to problematic professional issues (e.g., authors not receiving royalties, publishers being uncommunicative to their authors…) and/or taking stances and actions that are objectively awful (e.g., publishing offensive copy; displaying racist, misogynistic, and/or bigoted beliefs; sexually harassing women; stalking women; doxxing, etc…).

That being said, the following is a list of publishers currently seeking horror novels and/or novellas. If there is anything untoward about any of these publishers listed that I need to re-assess, please let me know privately via my email (blisteredsirenpress at yahoo dot com).

Aberrant Literature Seems to be seeking horror, but they’ve only one book listed on their site that was published in 2018. I’ve also seen the process of a cosmic horror anthology’s artwork by the immensely talented Justin T. Coons around social media, but that was in 2022, and there’s no anthology indicated on A.L.’s website. At any rate, go in cautiously by sending a quick inquiry before sending a full manuscript.

Agape Editions Their Haunted Doll House imprint publishes horror. They’re seeking “unique, compelling voices and are especially seeking work by authors of marginalized groups.

Arcadia Books (U.K. publisher) Seeks science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels. Also of note, they’re specifically seeking work that contains “some element of the speculative or fantastical.”

BHC Press Seeks manuscripts in a variety of genres, including horror.

Black Bed Sheet Books Seeks horror novels, novellas, and short story collections, as well as shorter works for their Ebook-only line.

Black Hare Press  Black Hare Press is looking for novelettes of 5-17k words. Check the very bottom of the page for those particular guidelines.

Bold Strokes Books A LGBTQ+ publisher that emphasizes they’re committed to “diversifying (their) authorship.” They publish novellas in a variety of genres, including horror.

By Light Unseen Media Serious vampire fiction, no tropes (No sparkles, y’all).

Castle Bridge Media Seeks horror, science fiction, thriller, and fantasy novels. Submit your query using the Query Manager link on the submission info. page.

Cemetery Gates Media According to their submissions page, Cemetery Gates is seeking debut horror novels for their Debut Horror Novel series, so it certainly couldn’t hurt to submit your first (polished, of course) novel to them. Reach out with a quick inquiry first though since their submissions window has been open since last year.

DarkLit Press Seems to be currently open to submissions for one of its imprints, DarkLit Sails, which specializes in “pirate horror, adventure novels and novellas crafted by underrepresented and marginalized authors.” The DarkLit Press general submissions page has a disclaimer that DarkLit Press owner, Andrew Robert, “loves to hear pitches” even while the press isn’t open to submissions. On a personal note, I like and respect Andrew and Austrian Spencer (Managing Editor), and I’ve been ever so impressed watching their press grow over the past few years.

Darkstroke Publishing Darkstroke’s page states, “We’re looking for excellent writing in the fiction and non-fiction areas of crime, thriller, dystopian, sci-fi, horror, mystery and psychological.” Author’s note: Darkstroke’s submissions page indicates the authors are in charge of their marketing and promotion. This isn’t anything particularly new due to small press budget issues. However, there should be some effort of some sort on behalf of the publisher.

Dead Sky Publishing If this press seems familiar, it is, as Death’s Head Press is an imprint of theirs, and yes, I am a bit biased as this is my publisher. As indicated on their submissions page, they’re looking for “…fiction, noir fiction, thriller, mystery, gothic fiction, dark magical realism, literary horror, science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction stories. As a publisher, (they) value unique perspectives and different ways of interpreting the world.”

Ellysian Press Seeks character-driven horror, paranormal, and paranormal romance as well as science fiction and fantasy.

The Evil Cookie Seeks horror novels and novellas, especially “unique, fast-paced, gory stories with the perfect blend of extreme horror, Splatterpunk and dark humor elements.”

Flame Tree Press  Seeks SF, fantasy, horror, and crime fiction novels.

Hellbound Books Publishing Seeks completed horror novels (60-120k words).

Lethe Press Seeks “(o)riginal works of horror and weird fiction.” They don’t accept submissions under consideration with other publishers though, so keep that in mind should you want to query them.

Sands Press Seeks submissions in a number of genres, including horror.

Severed Press  Seeks apocalyptic, killer sea creatures, kaiju monster, dinosaur/lost world adventures, LitRPG, and LitFPS horror.

Sourcebooks Seeks novels by “strong writers of all ethnicities, races, sexualities, gender identities, abilities and ages, whose stories have something fresh to offer in the Horror genre.​”

Unveiling Nightmares Seeks a variety of genres including horror (and all of its subgenres, including extreme/Splatterpunk horror).

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