crazy / novels / writing

The Last Hour of Writing…


This is how it’s been:

14 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

Why doesn’t she (main character) eat anything, ever? It’s like she runs out for lunch in order to have A happen to her, and then when B distracts her, C has to happen, but she comes back to work, and SHE STILL HASN’T HAD LUNCH? Who doesn’t have LUNCH?

15 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

I could have her scarf down one of those horrible vending machine sandwiches during her meeting. That could work.

18 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

I wonder what would happen if she suddenly developed diarrhea from that horrible sandwich. It’s from a vending machine. No one in their right mind eats vending machine sandwiches unless there’s no other food source for miles…or they’re waiting for results in the waiting room of a hospital.

19 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

What if the ingredients of that sandwich did something to her superpowers, like made her naturally immune to food poisoning…or what if it…Fuck it, totally Googling vending machines and e coli…

27 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

So THAT’S how vending machine sandwiches are made. I may never eat fast food sandwiches ever again. Unless it’s Boar’s Head. Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a Publix reuben turkey sandwich right now.

32 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

Why doesn’t Publix deliver? They’re in Florida, for pete’s sake, where the infirm and elderly reside — or elderly or infirm — Why aren’t those words synonymous? Are they synonymous? Where’s that vocabulary quiz ***** shared on her FB feed? 

47 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

How did they know my age based on my taste in french fries?? These quiz sites are so amazing. I wonder how much their staff members get paid.

59 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

That broad charges WHAT as a freelance editor for novelists? But she spelled “where” incorrectly! Oh, someone else has said that same thing there in the comments… Well, girl, you live and learn. Oh, she did not just respond with THAT! Oh, it’s on…How does one sign up for an account to respond…?

1 hour and 30 minutes into my outlining of book 2:

Oh, she has granola bars in her purse. (Well, that’s just a little TOO convenient, isn’t it?)


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